Outdoor and indoor, AC & DC, Load break and make, Vacuum breaking
Outdoor and indoor, AC & DC, Load break and make, Vacuum breaking

Outdoor and indoor, AC & DC, Load break and make, Vacuum breaking
Live Line Insulators

Cable, pipe and line entries

Railway Electrification | Overhead Line Equipment (OLE)

MV Air Insulated Disconnectors & Switches (AC) and Motor Operated Actuating Devices
25kV AC Indoor and Outdoor Air Insulated Switches and Disconnectors rated to 2000A with load-make and break capabilities, Flexible Design, 3 position switch and earth switch with. Manual or Motor operated versions.
The safest railway load break switch disconnector in the world.

Fault Circuit Indicators & Condition Monitoring
6.6kV to 132kV. Earth Fault Indicators, Short-Circuit and Earth Fault Indicators, Directional Short-Circuit and Directional Earth Fault Indicators and Short-Circuit and Directional Earth Fault Indicators Short-Circuit Indicators for Overhead lines. With smart units also available for network monitoring.

Motor Operated Actuating Devices
Remote control of switches/disconnectors for both indoor and outdoor applications. AC/DC motor 24V– 230V. Compact/custom design. Compatible with all manufacturers’ equipment. Our range of motor operators is designed to enable remote control and monitoring of air insulated switches and disconnectors.